
SSD 固態硬碟故障的 5 種情況 Five cases SSD solid state hard drive failure

通過以下 5 種情況來判斷 SSD 是否損壞情形

1. 出現「壞塊」
• 無法正確從 SSD 讀取或寫入文件
• 系統提示文件系統需要修復
• 使用中應用程式常常當機
       • 打開大型文件時,運行速度緩慢

2. 文件無法讀取或寫入

3. 文件系統需要修復

4. 啟動時頻繁當機

5. SSD 變成只讀

The following five cases to determine whether the damage situation SSD

1. When the "bad blocks"
 SSD common symptoms of "bad blocks" are:

• Unable to properly read or write files from SSD
• the system prompts the file system needs repair
• Use the app often crashes
• When opening large files is slow

2. The file can not read or write

3. The file system needs repair

4. Start the frequent crashes

5. SSD become read-only
